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Rubber Chemicals: All the Statistical Data in the First Half Year Fell
Date:2020/10/14    Author: -    From: China Rubber Journal

◎ Hao Zhangcheng

The output and sale data in the first half year published by CRIA Rubber Chemicals Specialized Committee shows, affected by domestic and overseas epidemic, the volume and price fell, the profit had a sharp decline and even was at a loss.

In the first half year, the realized total industrial output value of China’s rubber chemicals industry was 8.39 Billion Yuan, with a year-on-year (year-on-year) decline of 37%; the sales revenue was 8.75 Billion Yuan, with a decline of 25.7%; and the total output was 575000 tons, with a decline of 16%.

Through analysis, Rubber Chemicals Specialized Committee thought that seen from the main market, since the operating rate of multiple overseas large-size tire enterprises had not recovered to the state before the epidemic, the product export was greatly affected, which resulted in sharp fall of the data of the whole industry. Among it, the export volume was 120000 tons, with a decline of 52%; the export delivery value was only 1.88 Billion Yuan, with a decline of 86%.

Seen from the output of the main products, the output of two major products, accelerator and antioxidant, fell by 34% and 22% respectively, in which, among the accelerator products, the output of CBS and TBBS fell by 26% and 28.8% respectively; among the antioxidant products, the output of TMQ had a sharp fall as 27.5%; and the output of 4020 fell slightly as 4% only.

Rubber Chemicals Specialized Committee suggested that this epidemic made the medium- and small-sized enterprises with weak capital strength feel great pressure of cash flow, therefore, they should reduce unnecessary investment and guarantee the safety of cash flow.  

Item First half year of 2020 First half year of 2019 Year-on-year, %
Total industrial output value, Hundred Million Yuan 83.9 115.0 -37.0
Sales revenue, Hundred Million Yuan 87.5 110.0 -25.7
Export value, Hundred Million Yuan 18.8 35.0 -86.0
Total output, Ten Thousand Tons 57.5 66.7 -16.0
Including: Accelerator 15.0 20.2 -34.0
Antioxidant 15.4 18.9 -22.0
Export volume, Ten Thousand Tons 12.0 18.5 -52.0